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Tinsley Bridge Group

AMRC Boosts Sheffield Manufacturing

AMRS and Boeing

The Guardian recently reported how the location of a world class research and development facility close to Sheffield has provided a massive stimulus to Sheffield manufacturing businesses.

The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre at Orgreave has proved to be a key relationship for Tinsley Bridge.

Mark Webber, Managing Director “Working with the AMRC expands our R&D capability and makes a significant contribution to new product innovation”.

He told The Guardian “A world-class facility on your doorstep draws in big hitters who create smaller supply chain companies in their wake. AMRC is attracting leading-edge companies into the city, like Rolls-Royce, and these companies in turn will procure components locally, while demanding world-class standards. So it will improve the capability of the entire supply chain in the area. For us, as an SME and a global, exporting business, having access to the AMRC reassures our customers that we can compete in the modern world.”
