The Manufacturer Top 100 UK role models announced
Tinsley Bridge MD, Mark Webber, has been named as one of the most influential individuals in UK manufacturing for an award revealed recently by The Manufacturer (TM) magazine.
Shortlisted candidates and the wider manufacturing community joined TV presenter and engineer Kate Bellingham at an exclusive event at KPMG’s Birmingham office earlier this month.
Short listed individuals, many from Sheffield, were nominated by TM readers, the wider industrial community and the public, for their contributions in changing the face of industry; finding new markets; making marked investment in people, processes and customers; as well as those young, bright sparks that are making an impact disproportionate to their years.
The judging panel included: Prof John Perkins, chief scientific officer, BIS; Prof Mike Gregory, head of the Institute of Manufacturing, Cambridge University; Nigel Fine, CEO, Institution of Engineering and Technology; Philip Greenish, CEO, Royal Academy of Engineering; Terry Scuoler, CEO, EEF; Paul Everitt, CEO, ADS; Judith Hackitt, chair, Health and Safety Executive; Rachel Eade, National Sector Lead for Automotive, Manufacturing Advisory Service; Dick Elsy, CEO, High Value Manufacturing Catapult; and Melanie Leech, outgoing-director general, Food and Drink Federation.